FC Zulu Home futbol forması 2004 - 2005
Ekleyen: Mik Wood, Eklenme tarihi:
2004 - 2005 FC Zulu home futbol forması. FC Zulu is a Danish television program on TV 2 Zulu. It tells the story about 16 nerds, who had never touched a football before, trained in 2004 for three months, with the goal of playing against FCK in PARKEN. Against all odds, they were able to score a goal. This year, the incapable nerds return, again led by the coach duo, Mark Strudal and TNT. This time is the opponent is none other than Swedish FC Zulu-copy FC Z who FC Zulu beat 6–0. Quite rare to find one with sponsorship on the front
Ekleyen Şubat 17, 2024