Real Madrid crest

Real Madrid Camisa da Copa camisa de futebol 1997 - 1998

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Real Madrid Camisa da Copa camisa de futebol 1997 - 1998
Real Madrid Camisa da Copa camisa de futebol 1997 - 1998

1997 - 1998 Real Madrid cup shirt camisa de futebol. A player issue shirt for the Champions League 97-98 which Real Madrid won the title. Visit my blog to see the differences with the replica.

Mais exemplos dessa camisa

  • Real Madrid Camisa da Copa camisa de futebol 1997 - 1998 Real Madrid Camisa da Copa camisa de futebol 1997 - 1998

    Home Real Madrid shirt for 1997-98 season La Liga.

    Comes with printed name&number Raul #7.

    The sleeves are identical to the player issue shirt. Visit my blog or email me for any questions:

    Enviado por zaim zolkopli maro 7, 2010

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