Asian Leagues Voetbalshirts
- Afghanistan Football League Clubs (1 shirts )
- Australia A-League (271 shirts )
- Australia - other leagues & Teams (52 shirts )
- Bahrain League teams (2 shirts )
- Bangladesh Football League Clubs (2 shirts )
- Bhutan Football League Clubs (3 shirts )
- Cambodia football league teams (9 shirts )
- China Super League (110 shirts )
- China League One (21 shirts )
- China other leagues and teams (37 shirts )
- Cook Islands Football League Clubs (1 shirts )
- Federated States of Micronesia Football Clubs (6 shirts )
- Fiji Football League Clubs (1 shirts )
- Guam Football Clubs (1 shirts )
- Hong Kong Premier League & other clubs (71 shirts )
- Indian Leagues & Teams (40 shirts )
- Indonesia Super League (299 shirts )
- Indonesia other Leagues & Teams (111 shirts )
- Iran Leagues & Teams (42 shirts )
- Iraq Football League Clubs (3 shirts )
- Japan J1 League (697 shirts )
- Japan J2 League (328 shirts )
- Japan other Leagues & Teams (49 shirts )
- Jordan Football League teams (5 shirts )
- Kuwaiti Premier League (9 shirts )
- Kyrgyzstan League teams (3 shirts )
- Laos Football League Clubs (2 shirts )
- Lebanon (5 shirts )
- Macau football clubs (6 shirts )
- Malaysia Super League & Other Teams (719 shirts )
- Maldives football league teams (1 shirts )
- Mongolia Football League Clubs (2 shirts )
- Myanmar/Burma Football League Clubs (3 shirts )
- Nepal Football League Clubs (2 shirts )
- New Zealand football league teams (15 shirts )
- North Korea Football League Clubs (1 shirts )
- Oman Football League clubs (2 shirts )
- Palestine Football League Clubs (2 shirts )
- Pakistan League Teams (1 shirts )
- Philippines football league clubs (3 shirts )
- Qatar Leagues & Teams (52 shirts )
- Saudi Arabia Football League Clubs (71 shirts )
- Singapore Leagues & Teams (254 shirts )
- South Korea K-League & other teams (139 shirts )
- Sri Lanka football league clubs (3 shirts )
- Syria Football League Teams (4 shirts )
- Tahiti League Clubs (1 shirts )
- Taiwan Premier League (3 shirts )
- Tajikistan Leagues & Teams (2 shirts )
- Thailand Thai League (254 shirts )
- Thailand other leagues & teams (112 shirts )
- Timor Leste leagues & teams (1 shirts )
- Turkmenistan league clubs (22 shirts )
- UAE Leagues (89 shirts )
- Uzbekistan league football teams (8 shirts )
- Vanuatu Football League Clubs (1 shirts )
- Vietnam Football League Clubs (11 shirts )
- Yemen Football League Clubs (1 shirts )
- Burundi league teams (1 shirts )